Fremantle Wolves is a club based on creating an environment which will attract and allow competitive players and coaches to learn, compete and train with others that are likeminded and play with similar aims, goals and abilities.
Players will be offered well planned, WORLD CLASS training sessions, to be carried out with focus and intensity. A competitive environment will be created to ensure the players are intrinsically motivated to achieve maximum benefit from each session and game.
Coaches will be required to utilise digital sport platforms such as HUDL, Sports Navigator and Video Technology to combine with the latest holistic and isolated training techniques inspired by some of the best coaches in the world. Coaches will be educated on creating functional training sessions tailored for their particular players, teams, level of competition, and age group.
We aim to achieve the above in relations to our players through the following rules, objectives and guidelines
- Our objective is to develop players to their highest potential, with the ultimate goal to provide the players extension opportunities at the appropriate time within the club from juniors through to senior level.
- Develop our players into technical players in the game of futsal, with a strong understanding of how futsal is to be played and at the same time teaching the fundamentals of teamwork and sportsmanship.
- Provide and secure coaches that will fit the needs of each team, foster the development of each player in the club and work towards our club goals and vision. Fremantle Wolves FC coaches will follow procedures as set out by Fremantle Wolves FC to ensure consistency with the clubs goals and vision throughout the junior age groups to best prepare players for their transition into each following age group
- Fremantle Wolves FC will provide continuous and incremental pathways through the age groups for our players.
- Fremantle Wolves FC will prepare teams well in advance of the beginning of the competition being entered, with the goal of every team fielded to be competitive within the competition that it competes.
- As of November 1st 2019, all players must be trialled prior to being offered a position of the club by the Head Coach/Technical Director.
- Where possible and where there is interest, Fremantle Wolves FC will support and explore National Competition Avenues such as Futsal-Oz Junior Nationals and Craig Foster Cup. This will provide players/teams with opportunities to extend their development and competition experiences. This will expose players that are ready for national competition to all levels of play and different styles and philosophies. Priority will be given to Fremantle Wolves FC players, with extra spots then being made available to non-Fremantle Wolves FC players. This will be subject to Fremantle Wolves FC Tournament Policies at the time and will be at the discretion of the designated Team Coach.
- Fremantle Wolves FC will where deemed appropriate and beneficial, also offer individual players international Futsal opportunities also as part of a greater pathway for individual player and team development.
- Fremantle Wolves FC players will be expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship and the importance of team play. The success of Fremantle Wolves FC as a club is measured by its excellence on and off the court.
- Priority for player positions will be given to existing Fremantle Wolves FC players who have shown they are ready to continue or step up to the teams being selected within the vision of the club and at the discretion of the Head Coach . Team selections will be based upon several factors including player qualities, team requirements and also what is best for the player in question.
- Priority will be given to Fremantle Wolves FC players who are dedicated to playing futsal all year round.
- All players must ensure they have paid their fees and shirt deposits in the timeframe specified by Fremantle Wolves FC. If fees are not paid within the timeframe communicated, players may be asked to sit out at training and games until fees are paid. If financial assistance is required, please communicate this to your coach immediately and we will do our utmost to find a solution.
- It is mandatory that ALL players must be registered with Pro Futsal for their insurance, otherwise the player will not be covered while training and playing with the club also. This will be the responsibility of the player and/or their parent to ensure their registration is current.
- If a players attitude does not fit into the values of the club or the coach feels it is disrupting the team, a meeting with player and parent will take place, with a committee member present to address the issue. If no changes to attitude have been made within the following two weeks, Fremantle Wolves will remove the player from the Roster.
- Fremantle Wolves FC will provide a professional, but family environment for all of our players to develop, train and play futsal.
- All players will be required to train and play with full intensity and focus. High levels of effort are expected at all times unless specified by the coach leading the session. If a players level of effort, intensity and focus does not fit into the values of the club, the player may be asked to leave the club and assistance will be offered to find an appropriate team or level of competition.
- Players must attend a pre determined percentage of training sessions and games. This figure will vary depending on prior agreements with the Head Coach and individual player situations. A minimum of 2 hours notice must be provided if players are unable to attend either training or games to allow modification of training sessions and match rosters if necessary.
- Fremantle Wolves FC have an Earned Playing Time Policy, rather than an Equal Playing Time Policy. It is important that all players and parents read and understand this policy which is explained in greater detail in PLAYING TIME POLICY in the Forms & Policies section of this website.
- Players will be assigned to play in their appropriate age groups. Where possible and depending on the players readiness, players will be selected to play up an age group to assist in their development if deemed suitable.
Short Term
- To create a club environment which will attract and allow competitive players and coaches to learn, compete and train with others that are likeminded and play with similar aims, goals and abilities.
- To establish the Wolves as an Elite Club
- Embrace and utilise technology available such as HUDL, SPORTS NAVIGATOR, TRACKING DEVICES, BLAZEPOD etc to assist coaches in Player and Team Development
- To establish a strong online presence
- To establish a quality & fashionable Player and Supporter Range of Teamwear and Merchandise
Medium Term
- To build the club infrastructure to continue delivering our Mission Statement for our players and coaches, working within the WOLVES VISION & PHILOSOPHY.
- To grow the number of players and teams at the WOLVES at a sustainable manner where the level of training and competition are maintained at a World Class Level.
- To increase the number of girls playing at the club and to provide the best possible platform/pathway for their development
- To provide travel opportunities for our players to local, interstate and international tournaments
Long Term
- To enter teams in the SFL/WSFL/JSFL Youth Leagues at Profutsal consisting mainly of players who have been developed through the pathway at WOLVES FC.
Coach`s Welcome