My son Luca started futsal 3 years ago and has fallen in love with the fast game. He was lucky to join Jose’s team and got a spot offered in the U9 JSFL Team.

From here he enjoyed all training sessions and the calm way Jose’ guides the team through JSFL games and Tournaments. Jose has also supported Luca to train and play in the higher age groups to keep the challenges for him on the level of his development and has guided us through decisions we needed to make for Luca’s outdoor soccer development.

Jose’ is a very inspirational coach who understands the development needs of each individual player and designs his training sessions to develop the team with each individual player in mind. The training setup is always very focussed and high intensity which is hard to find in the bubble of Perth.

With the utilisation of technologies in youth sport like video performance analytics and the established virtual coaching sessions in HUDL where world class coaches responding to Luca’s game play reviews, take his futsal to the next level.

I hope Luca will enjoy the next couple of seasons at Fremantle Wolves and will be an integral player to develop his team and the club as a whole on and off the court. Thanks a lot to Technical Director Jose’ Galindo for his support, passion and hard work to form Luca’s football pathway. Without Jose’, Luca would not be on the level as he is at this stage of his dream.