The Wolf is an outstandingly beautiful creature. Its thick coat of predominantly grey hair (some are jet black or white), with intermingled white, black, and brown hairs. Focus on the stare of its penetrating clear yellow eyes. Examine its facial markings. All of these make the wolf a magnificent animal to behold. Our Wolves FC have striking uniforms, all GREY resembling the beautiful beasts that we are named after.
The Wolf is both an apex predator and a keystone species, affecting its prey's behaviour and the wider ecosystem. Our Wolves FC have been highly successful, and have had a similar effect on the local futsal scene. We undoubtly have affected the tactics of opposition teams in WA and nationally. We are also a topic of conversations globally including the USA and Spain. We have made the futsal ecosystem better by the way we naturally operate, and have become an APEX predator and a Keystone Club
The Wolf is a predator which is very territorial and they live and hunt in groups called Wolf Packs. A Wolf Pack is another name for a family of Wolves. They have a highly organised social structure enabling them to enjoy maximum cooperation when hunting, communicating and defending territory. The Wolf is the Worlds Top Dog. Our Wolves FC are very territorial, playing with focus and intensity both in training and in competition. They use teamwork to make the most of each others strengths to achieve the goal at hand. The strength of the Wolf is in the Pack, and the strength of the Pack is in the Wolf!
One of the reasons Wolves are legendary, is because of their spine-tingling piercing howl to communicate with each other. One of the reasons our Wolves FC are already legendary, is the Howl Team Cheer that communicates, WE ARE HERE TO COMPETE AS A WOLF PACK!