• www.futsalacademy.com.au
  1. Futsal Coach Education – Introduction
  2. Celebrating Success is Important!
  3. Competing on a National Level!
  4. Welcome to the Wolves Website!


Playing time is always a sensitive issue in team sports. The purpose of Fremantle Wolves’ (FWFC) playing time policy is to document and communicate the club-wide guidelines in advance to ensure that those who commit to the FWFC understand what factors will be used to determine playing time over the course of the season.

Where many social-level sports programs and competitions advocate “equal playing time”, our Club does not advocate equal playing time, rather “earned playing time.”  However, the FWFC  does believe that all players should receive equal training opportunities at training sessions, where the focus will be on player and squad development, as well as specific tactical sessions as required. In futsal, each outfield player constitutes 20% of the team on the court, so attendance at training is critical to align players and allow the team to function as a unit during competition.

The following factors will be used to to determine playing time during competitive matches, in addition to compliance to the Players’ Expectation Policy

  • Ability to execute during competition
    Ability to perform specific skills needed or play specific position during competition (including the need to provide “team balance” for various tactical scenarios)
  • Willingness to listen to coaches’ instructions in relations to tactics & team strategies
    Performance in practice (including skills, attitude, focus, intensity and dedication)
  • Attendance/level of commitment to the team
  • Overall contribution, in whatever capacity, to the success of the team
  • During competition (i.e. game-day), coaches are constantly adjusting and evaluating line-ups and tactics, which means that some players may receive more court time than others.  Players are expected to understand and accept their role as defined by the coach, and concede that the collective performance of the team has priority – over the individual player.
  • Players/parents who would like to discuss specific concerns regarding playing time should request time to speak to the relevant coach (es) that does not interfere with game time or training periods.
  • Under no circumstances is it permissible for a parent or player to approach a coach during competition or at a tournament site to discuss playing time. Players and parents are required to wait 48 hours after a tournament before initiating any type of communication with a coach regarding playing time issues.